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Guide To Microdosing Psilocybin Magic Mushroom

Photo x Mario Alpha

People microdose for a variety of reasons. Common intentions include spiritual growth, alleviating anxiety or depression, and entering flow states. Microdosing is most effective as part of a holistic, healthy lifestyle that prioritizes service, community, and truth.

What Is Microdosing?

Microdosing refers to the practice of taking a miniscule amount of a psychedelic substance – usually one-20th to one-tenth of a full dose. This guide will focus on microdosing with psilocybin mushrooms, but you may find parts of the text applicable to microdosing with other types of substances such as LSD, ketamine, iboga, mescaline and cannabis.

Microdosing can help you get in touch with your Inner Healing Intelligence, which knows exactly what’s necessary for your health and happiness. The psychedelic substance can be a reliable and powerful ally to remind you of your innate capacity to heal yourself. Some people may refer to a microdose as a “spiritual vitamin.”

Microdosing VS Macrodosing

Taking a full dose of psilocybin mushrooms or truffles may be an ideal option if you have proper integration support and can afford to take at least one or two days away from your normal routine. On the other hand, microdosing can be a gentle method to enhance your life without disruption to your daily activities.

There are several reasons why you may choose to microdose instead of
macrodose. Compared to taking a full dose, microdosing:

  • Usually requires less integration support, as the effects are more subtle and less jarring;
  • Requires less intensive preparation (although you will find that incorporating various preparation and integration practices into your life is a vital part of the healing and growth process);
  • Allows you to metaphorically dip your toes in the water before making a full commitment to dive in;
  • Allows you to retain some control instead of having to let go completely
  • Gives you the ability to carry on your daily activities in a normal or even enhanced manner;
  • Causes no hallucinatory, visual effects;
  • Is more flexible as you can take a microdose anytime during the day. Some people like to take it first thing in the morning, while others like to take it in the afternoon or even right before they go to sleep (although some may find taking the last option may keep them up for longer than expected);
  • Allows you to adjust dosage more effortlessly on dosing day
  • Gives you the opportunity to more easily experiment with and track dosages from day to day and week to week.

What Are The Effects Of Microdosing Magic Mushrooms?

Technically, a microdose is sub-perceptual, which means the effects are unnoticeable. In reality, however, many people can and want to feel the impacts of a microdose.

Some of the most commonly reported effects of Psilocybin users are:

  • Increased energy
  • A sense of presence and being grounded
  • Heightened sense of emotional, mental, and physical well-being
  • Increased emotional and mental maturity
  • Increased optimism
  • A sense of openness, brightness, or lightness
  • Heightened sensory perception
  • Decreased anxiety, stress and/or depression
  • Improvement in relationships and social behaviors
  • Decreased negative self-talk
  • Increased sense of empathy, compassion, and love
  • A heightened sense of being in touch and in tune with the body
  • A feeling of interconnectedness
  • An expanded sense of self
  • Increased creativity
  • Decreased need for caffeine, alcohol, tobacco or other stimulants or depressants
  • Decreased addictive or destructive tendencies
  • Improved eating and sleeping habits
  • More clarity and less mental fog
  • Less intense headaches
  • Improved memory and vocabulary

Janet Chang, a mental health advocate who tracked her results during a
one-year microdosing experiment, shared the following:

“Over the year I microdosed, I became a more empathetic, compassionate, and affectionate person. I began to live with more acceptance, gratitude, and presence of mind. My workaholic lifestyle turned into one of spontaneity, creativity, self-expression, and lightheartedness. I continued to live out my values, feeling even more connected than before. ”

One Redditor said:

“I’m on day 6 now of microdosing ~0.08 to 0.12g. The difference is subtle yet profound. Nothing in my life has changed, yet everything has. The empty void that sucks the life out of everything I do is still there, but somehow I can see how beautiful it is and it doesn’t impede what I do

I feel how that vacuum is actually part of my ability to connect deeply with others and the world, that it’s one side of the coin, and the other side is God. These are all things I ‘knew’ consciously through mindfulness but couldn’t feel in my being.

Now it’s being embodied. I am more present, I don’t overthink, I am in my body. I can simply be without worrying about everything. I feel inspired to do more with my life for the betterment of the world. I am interconnected. All of this happens at such a subtle, unconscious level. So even though my day-to-day hasn’t changed, I feel like I am the person I’m meant to be, when the gunk is cleared away.”

Another journeyer says:

“I’ve been MD for about 3 months and I have never felt better. I have diagnosed depression and anxiety and was prescribed lexapro but after reading about how hard it is to get off antidepressants I opted to try MD. My energy levels are back to normal, I used to want to sleep all the time and never wanted to go out. I’ve been a lot more productive at work and home, I’ve even had enough energy to go back to the gym. It’s such a mood booster too, I am always a bit chattier on the days I MD (I MD 0.2g about 2-3 days a week).”

Many microdosers claim the practice allows them to more easily enter flow states
and “be in the zone.”

Mikhaly Csíkszentmihályi, the originator of the idea of flow, describes it as “being completely involved in an activity for its own sake. The ego falls away. Time flies. Every action, movement, and thought follows inevitably from the previous one, like playing jazz . Your whole being is involved, and you’re using your skills to the utmost.”

Microdosing seems to be a perfect tool for some people who wish to experience a determined, focused mindset free from distractions and negative thoughts. Microdosing may open you up to more cyclical, instead of linear, thinking. You may find yourself being more curious and less dogmatic. You may find yourself listening more and talking less. You may start to question your assumptions and all the things you thought you knew.

Photo Courtesy of Mario Alpha | Fungi x Myco Oakland

What Is The Ideal Microdosing Dosage?

Everybody reacts differently to various doses; some people consider .3 grams (or more) of dried mushrooms a microdose, whereas others are more comfortable with a much smaller dose in the range of .05 – .08 grams. The species or strain of mushrooms you consume also affects dosage, as some are stronger than others.

For example, the azurescens species or the penis envy strain of the cubensis species are noted for being much stronger than the average cubensis strain. It may take a few trials to find your ideal dose.

You may find it beneficial to maintain a journal or log during the first few weeks of your microdosing journey, so you can reflect on the tracked results and make adjustments as needed. When in doubt, it’s usually better to start small and work your way up.

During your exploration phase, it may be helpful to take your doses in a space where you feel completely comfortable, safe, and free. Until you have a clear understanding on how psilocybin affects you, it may be safer to prepare just as if you were taking a larger dose just in case the effects are stronger than you imagined.

Although having an ideal setting is not as crucial for a microdose as for a full dose, you may find it beneficial to avoid certain uncontrolled situations that may make you feel vulnerable (work, social, public transportation, etc.) when you first start experimenting.

Warning: Do not drive or operate heavy machinery when you are microdosing.

How Should I Take A Microdose?

There are many ways to take a microdose. Everybody has a different preference. There are no rights and wrongs.
Most people like to grind dried mushrooms into a fine powder, and then either encapsulate the powder (with or without other healthy ingredients) this is definitely my preferred method, some eat mushrooms raw, while others chew them dried, tea, chocolates, gummies, and tinctures are also alternative delivery methods.

Is There An Ideal Dosing Protocol?

There are various microdosing protocols and schedules. To find one that works best for you, be open to experimenting and listening to your body and intuition. There’s no need to rigidly follow a protocol just because it’s popular or promoted by someone famous.

Here are the most common ones:

A “one day on, two days off” schedule is recommended by James Fadiman, the author of The Psychedelic Explorer’s Guide: Safe, Therapeutic, and Sacred Journeys.

In this protocol, you take a dose on Day 1, skip a dose on Day 2 and Day 3, and then resume dosing on Day 4. The idea behind this schedule is that the positive effects of microdosing seem to last two days, and the days off allow
any residual tolerance to subside. Although Fadiman may have designed this protocol specifically for microdosing LSD, many psilocybin microdosers also follow it.

A “four days on, three days off” schedule is recommended by Paul Stamets, a distinguished mycologist, who previously suggested a “five days on, two days off” schedule. It may be worth noting that Stamets, now in his mid-60s, who has
spent much of his adult life studying psilocybin, has just recently changed his recommended protocol. This should give you confidence to have a flexible approach and allow your own experimentation and results to guide you.

Other proponents may suggest a “every other day” or an “on, off, on, off, on, off, off” protocol, or a “go with the flow” or “as needed” philosophy. Microdosing every day is not suggested. The off-days reduce the effects of tolerance that can build up over time, and give you the opportunity to practice working with and processing emotions without the direct aid of a substance.

The idea is to become aware of the root causes of unhappiness and pain, and to live a wholesome lifestyle that avoids these causes, and not to become dependent on any substance. In fact, under certain conditions, you may decide to take an “off-week” or “off-month.” Some people recommend “stacking” other ingredients with the psilocybin.

Stamets suggests adding lion’s mane and niacin to the microdose, as they are known to work well with the main ingredient. As one fan says, “psilocybin mushrooms promotes neuroplasticity and new neural connections, lion’s mane promotes the creation of new nerve and brain cells and niacin drives these two medicines to the furthest reaches of
the nervous system

Together they work synergistically to create a compound effect that enhances learning, cognition, neuroregeneration and many other things.” The addition of niacin has its advocates and detractors. Advocates argue that the “flushing” characteristic of niacin provides a built-in control against over- or misuse and opens the blood vessels to allow the other ingredients to move through the body more quickly and fully.

Detractors say the possibility of experiencing an uncomfortable “flush,” or feeling unsettled or unwell as a result of the niacin, outweighs the benefits.
To their microdoses, others may add:

  • Turmeric and black pepper; the black pepper increases the bioavailability of the turmeric, and the turmeric acts as an MAO inhibitor, which makes the mushrooms “stronger”;
  • Dried ginger root, to reduce potential of nausea;
  • Medicinal mushrooms such as chaga, cordyceps, and reishi;
  • Adaptogens such as ashwagandha, bacopa, longjack, griffonia seed;
  • Vitamins such as d3.

Can I Simultaneously Take Anti-Depressants & Microdose?

This is a common and complex question, and there seems to be no definitive answers or formal studies conducted. To stay safe, please consult your doctor before starting any microdosing regimen, especially if you have a history of mental illness or medication use.

Some people feel that microdosing helps to wean and/or stay off antidepressants. Some report that antidepressant medications dull or even nullify the effects of microdosing.If you do decide to microdose while on these medications, you will most likely need a higher dose to feel desired effects. Some find that microdosing psilocybin is a healthier, more natural alternative to taking various pharmaceutical agents.

Microdosing may be worth a try before committing to a pharmaceutical regimen. Please note that microdosing does not guarantee happiness. Some people find it extremely difficult to come or stay off certain pharmaceutical medications.

Those who have relied on these medications for years may find many painful or difficult repressed emotions coming to the surface, and may feel an urge to return to the numbing effects of the medications. The process of coming off these medications, if that is what you wish to do, may be an uncomfortable ordeal lasting several months.

Does Diet affect My Reaction To The Mushrooms?

Taking a microdose on an empty stomach will lead to faster metabolization and more intense effects. Taking a dose right after a heavy meal will slow down or weaken your body’s reaction as the mushroom competes with other substances to be digested and assimilated into the system. The emptier your stomach and healthier your diet, the
less of a dose you will need to achieve the desired effects.

Are There Any Adverse Effects Of Microdosing?

When microdosing, some people may experience what they perceive to be adverse side effects. Psilocybin can act as a truth serum that reveals your innermost thoughts, and some of these thoughts may be painful or otherwise unpleasant to encounter. You may feel like running away, hiding or distracting yourself when these thoughts appear.

You may feel the urge to blame the medicine for unwanted emotions, but one of microdosing’s major lessons is to take responsibility for your responses to what shows up. You can choose to resist reality or relinquish control and surrender. The latter choice leads to freedom and joy.

Some report that microdosing makes them feel tired or drowsy. Some complain of headaches or nausea. These are some of the body’s natural responses to energetic and emotional shifts. For some, microdosing may amplify their anxiety, instead of decreasing it. The medicine makes you sensitive to your emotions and the energies around you. Psilocybin can shake up your sense of self, and make you feel vulnerable.

Sometimes while microdosing, you may experience more fear, a natural response to the unknown. The more you face and overcome this fear, the more confident and grounded you will be. Fear is a natural part of expanding your comfort zone. You may lose productivity and a certain type of linear focus while taking a microdose. The medicine seems to weaken the analytical part of the mind and activate the feeling part. This shift may affect one’s ability to focus on a screen, a conversation, words, or numbers.

Microdosing may cause you to feel spaced out and confused for a period of time. You may feel like you are losing control. These experiences can give the thinking mind a rest and show you the causes of stress or anxiety. Microdosing may change your idea of what medicine is and what the healing process looks and feels like. There are bound to be moments of unpleasantness as the “gunk” comes to the surface.

The less spiritual or contemplative work one has done, the more difficult it may feel to face these unpleasant emotions. It takes time to build a relationship with the medicine, which is alive and organic.

Microdosing is not like taking certain pharmaceutical medications; instead of numbing emotions and allowing you to coast and ignore the root causes of your unhappiness, mushrooms require you to become aware of and actively change the causes of your states of mind.

Patience along with a commitment to long-term thinking, healthy living, and reevaluating relationships are necessary factors for the medicine to work its magic. Some people see desired results right away, whereas others start recognizing significant results only after reflecting upon several months of microdosing.

The higher your expectations, the more likely you will be disappointed in the results of microdosing. The medicine merely reflects your relationship with the world. If you expect something outside of yourself to bring you instant or eternal happiness, you will be disillusioned.

This disillusionment is part of the spiritual path. Sometimes, one must learn repeatedly that all phenomena is temporary, no matter how pleasant or unpleasant. Holding onto ideas, philosophies, or desires that do not align with the truth only prolongs one’s never-ending search for something better and more pleasant and less painful. When you let go of expectations, the world opens up and becomes more wonderful.

What Happens If I Accidentally Take Too Much?

If you do accidentally take too much, it can help to move the body, eat something, get out into nature, or just lay down and rest until you feel ready to return to your normal routine. Remind yourself that the journey will end and the medicine is showing you whatever you need to see.

What About Legality?

The legal status of psilocybin remains a challenge for many. In most jurisdictions (with exceptions in the Netherlands, Jamaica, Brazil, and a few other places), the possession, cultivation and processing of psilocybin (as well as other psychedelics) are criminalized.

However, movements calling for the decriminalization of psilocybin and other substances are gaining steam. Denver has decriminalized psilocybin, while Oakland and Santa Cruz have decriminalized all entheogens. Oregon state and Washington D.C. have psychedelic initiatives appearing on the November ballot. Canada’s government has tolerated the sale of psilocybin mushrooms through the internet and in-person dispensaries, and there are widespread calls across the nation to decriminalize simple possession of controlled substances.

With the growing number of positive testimonials about microdosing, many are taking matters into their own hands and finding ways to access the medicine. If you do enough research and read documents like this , you may discover a safe way to find mushrooms.

What If I Want To Take A Higher Dose?

Microdosing is a gradual process of unraveling and loosening the tensions in the body and mind, while taking higher doses will bring emotions to the surface in a much more intense and accelerated fashion. Once you start seeing the benefits of microdosing, you may naturally want to explore taking a higher dose. You may even find yourself skipping the microdoses altogether and going straight to bigger doses. Again, there is no right and wrong way to approach the medicine.

There are many written guides online that help you prepare for a higher dose. Here is one example . It’s important to note that taking a higher dose will require more stringent preparation and integration protocols to ensure a safe and healing journey. Set and setting become increasingly important as the dosage becomes larger. You may want to consider a guide or companion to accompany you during your higher dose journey.

Psychedelic retreats are a wonderful opportunity to experience a cohesive, supportive group setting with passionate, skilled professionals (also referred to as guides, therapists, tripsitters, or spaceholders). Here are two links ( one , two ) that list psilocybin retreats and guides. While most retreats are focused on providing high-dose psychedelic journeys, there are organizations such as Rise Wellness that focus exclusively on the microdosing experiences.


The Third Wave – information and resources on microdosing
How One Year of Microdosing Helped My Career, Relationships, and Happiness
Microdosing’s Guide and Explainer — The Cut article that surveys microdosing
Psychedelic Explorer’s Guide — James Fadiman’s book
Self-Rated Effectiveness of Microdosing With Psychedelics for Mental and Physical
Health Problems Among Microdosers – Maastricht University, Netherlands Study
What You Should Know about Microdosing for Anxiety
/r/microdosing – subreddit dedicated to microdosing
Can You Take Shrooms on Antidepressants?
Rise Wellness Retreat – Jamaican retreat focused on microdosing psilocybin
Psychedelic Experience – mushroom retreat and guide listings
Tripsitters – mushroom retreat and guide listings
Paul Stamets Microdosing Video – Clip from Stamets’ interview with Joe Rogan in
which he discusses his recommended stack.


A big thank you to Mario for giving permission to use his photo of the Magic Mushrooms. Please take a moment to check out his feed on Instagram.


Introduction To The Endocannabinoid System & Why It’s So Important


The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is a biological system in our body that naturally responds to the cannabis we consume. It is a complex and relatively new discovery that scientists are still researching. As a result, there are hundreds of videos and articles diving deeper into its complexities. Still, for the average or novice cannabis consumer, this article gives a brief run-through of the ECS, its components, and its relationship to cannabis.

What Is The Endocannabinoid System?

The ECS is a complex cell signaling system that helps the body maintain homeostasis. And for us non-biology experts: Homeostasis is any process or action that helps the body maintain a stable internal environment. Like the nervous and endocrine systems, everyone is born with an ECS. Even if you don’t smoke or consume cannabis your ECS most definitely exists and is active.

Your Endocannabinoid system helps regulate a variety of different bodily functions like:

  • Sleep
  • Mood
  • Motor Control
  • Appetite and Digestion
  • Memory
  • Immune Function
  • Reproductive System Function
  • Skin and Nerve Function
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Endocannabinoid system cb1 and cb2 receptors human body cell infographic

Components Of The ECS

The three components of the ECS are endocannabinoids, receptors, and enzymes.

Endocannabinoids are cannabinoids that the body naturally produces. The body makes them as needed. 

The two known endocannabinoids are anandamide (AEA) and 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-ag). Anandamide is also known as the “bliss” molecule because it produces euphoric effects, and 2-ag plays a role in the circulatory system.

Receptors are throughout the body and bind to cannabinoids to signal the ECS to respond. There are two types of receptors, CB1 and CB2. The central nervous system and the reproductive system are where the CB1 receptors are. The CB2 receptors are not as abundant in the body, but they are in the peripheral nervous system.

The final part is the enzymes. They are responsible for breaking down the endocannabinoids once they have carried out their function in the body. These three components are all regularly in motion. Cannigma gives a great video example of how the ECS works. For example, If you trip and twist your ankle, the body sends out pain signals. Then it produces endocannabinoids and sends them to the area to balance out and reduce the pain.

The Relation Between The Endocannabinboid System & Cannabis

Humans discovered cannabis before scientists found the ECS. So that’s why the name is cannabis forward. The CB1 receptor was the first part of the endocannabinoid system to be discovered back in 1988 by Professor Allyn Howlett and her graduate student William Devane. They found that rat’s brains have a receptor site that responds to THC. This discovery also lets us know that humans aren’t the only ones with an ECS and benefit from cannabis. Since then, it’s been a slow but steady development of other ECS discoveries that lead us to know everything we just discussed.

Phytocannabinoids are cannabinoids that are within the cannabis plant like THC and CBD. There are actually over 100 others. Like endocannabinoids, phytocannabinoids, when consumed, bind to the receptor sites and tell the ECS to respond. However, each cannabinoid responds to receptors differently. For example, THC mimics anandamide and attaches to the receptors to signal different responses throughout the body. 

So since we now know that anandamide produces euphoric effects, and THC mimics that effect, it can help us understand why THC forward products give us that same feel-good feeling, CBD doesn’t have the same effect. Scientists find that it may prevent the endocannabinoids from breaking down, allowing them to impact your body more, which is why you don’t get high from CBD, but it has positive effects on this body.

Why is the ECS important?


The National Organization for Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) puts why the ECS is so essential simply but beautifully:

“The endocannabinoid system, with its complex actions in our immune system, nervous system, and all of the body’s organs, is literally a bridge between body and mind. By understanding this system we begin to see a mechanism that explains how states of consciousness can promote health or disease.”

The ECS is always at work within us. We can better choose the right cannabis products for an elevated high and better overall well-being by understanding the endocannabinoid system.


Cannabis Infused Ice Cream Is Coming To Massachusetts


Emack & Bolios, a Boston based ice cream company recently partnered up with premier cannabis brand, MariMed. The pair have plans to collaborate and launch a lineup of Cannabis-infused ( & vegan too) ice cream, in their words – outrageous flavors. I’m a simple person, Nutella or pistachio will be more than fine thank you! I don’t really want fruit loops hanging off my ice cream.

Little is known about these outrageous flavors that will be coming to dispensaries. However it’s said that consumers will see the very same terpenes and cannabinoids which derive from their high quality flower and their award winning products implemented in the recipes. It also won’t be your standard ice cream with THC but rather some of the companies highest quality concentrates will be going into the end product.

“We’ve taken great care to grow MariMed infused products to become top-selling brands, with much of our success the result of a craft-like approach to cultivation that is unlike most other national cannabis companies,” MariMed CEO and President Bob Fireman said in a prepared statement.

“We’re excited to bring our unique formulations and technologies to a collaboration with a brand partner like Emack & Bolio’s, which has such a fantastic history.”

Bob Rook the man who founded Emack & Bolios, started the company in 1975 for his rock star clients – he was a music attorney at the time – so they can enjoy ice cream after late night gigs. Some of those stars go by the name of Aerosmith, Boston, U2 & James Brown.

You’re probably wondering when and where the new ice cream flavors are available, unfortunately the company advised that they are looking for a late 2021 launch.

Where Can I get Cannabis Infused Ice Cream From?

Although this isn’t the first company to bring infused ice cream, a special mention to Cloud Creamery who launched their range of infused ice cream sometime in June and guess what? It’s available – see below:

Cloud Creamery has decided to start with three flavors that include two types of ice cream, Tanzanian vanilla and dark chocolate truffle, and one sorbet, mango yuzu, which is dairy-free. The vanilla is actually sourced from Tanzania.


Cannabis Clubs In Barcelona Are Facing Closure Following Court Decision


Barcelona has over 200 Cannabis clubs, over the years it’s become better known as Spains marijuana capital with tourist from all corners of the earth coming to visit the city for its members-only cannabis clubs, not only for it’s beautiful architecture and beaches.

In 2017 Barcelona legalized the cultivation, distribution and consumption of Cannabis in it’s clubs to it’s private members on-site. Anyone can become a member fees are generally around €10 (£8.50), a simple google search will lead you to their websites where you can easily sign up in minutes.

The clubs offer a private setting for you to purchase, consume and socialize. From what I’ve seen online most of these clubs offer a bar lounge-like experience with a number of amenities such as billiards tables, comfortable couches, coffee and even gaming consoles like a Playstation 4 – FIFA anyone?

This week it’s being reported that the 200+ cannabis clubs in Barcelona face closure after the Catalan High Court shut a legal loophole that has seen the city become the marijuana capital of Spain.

Since then the clubs have operated under a Barcelona city bylaw that regulated their use, up until now this has now been overturned with the judges ruling that the city authorities were not competent to legislate on matters governed by the state.

“The majority of associations assume that sooner or later they will be forced to close down,” said Eric Asensio, spokesman for the Federation of Catalan Cannabis Associations. About 70% of Spain’s cannabis clubs are in Catalonia, the majority in Barcelona.

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The latest ruling prohibits “the sale, consumption or promotion” of cannabis. It said it would soon be inspecting the clubs throughout the city – “starting with the ones with the most negative impact and which are geared towards tourists and massive sales”.

The associations began as private clubs where members could buy and smoke cannabis on the premises. In recent years, many have departed from this model to become outlets for the massive quantities of cannabis grown in Catalonia, often under the control of eastern European and other mafias.

However, the associations, city authorities and police all agree that the clubs reduce street dealing and consumption. The police say they are not opposed in principle to the clubs.

“Once again the judiciary is attacking the associations without taking into account the reality of Barcelona, a city that has co-existed with these entities for more than 30 years,” the federation said in a statement.

“What’s needed is a legal framework that recognizes the existing reality and to obtain the necessary regulatory mechanisms in collaboration with the public authorities, with a clear emphasis on public health,” Asensio said.


Alien Tech x RE:STASH Cannabis Jar Review


There is no doubt that glass is one of the best methods to store and cure your cannabis, at the same time I know there are a number of people who still keep their cannabis in plastic containers and zip lock bags, simply put you should not be storing your herbs in plastic. The terpenes in your flowers can break down plastic and release chemicals that damage the smell and taste of your herb. It is also known to be static which can pull trichomes off the buds. You run the risk of damaging trichomes and the potency of the product over time.

The same company that brought you the Alien Tech Grinder recently entered into a collaboration with RE:STASH to bring two new jars which provide one of the best methods cannabis storage solutions ever. The jars are designed to protect and keep your cannabis secure by always keeping your herbs discreet, fresh and protected from harmful UV rays.

The jars are fitted with a removable silicone sleeve which acts as protection against any accidents or drops. In addition to that, your precious herbs are protected from harmful UV rays which destroy the terpene and THC content over time. In the 1970s a study was conducted by the University Of London which concluded that light was the single biggest factor in the degradation of Cannabinoids.

These jars are made from 3mm borosilicate glass which are widely used in the medical field and labs because of its ability to be 100% sterilized and non-toxic composition. The lids are airtight locking in any smells and moisture. Made out of 30% repurposed farm waste and consist primarily of a hemp flax bio-fibre reinforced polypropylene, which is incredibly durable and ecologically friendly and not to mention child-resistant.

In fact, some US states require medical patients and recreational users to keep their herbs away from children by law. In addition to the lid you’ll notice the divider, which is also hemp & flax bio-fibre reinforced polypropylene. The divider allows you to separate two strains or what I like to do when on the go is I add my papers and joints in the other half.

Another timeless product brought to you by Alien Tech who pride themselves on built to last technologies.

Where Can I Buy One From?

Simply head on over to the Alientech website and select either jar of your choice, 4oz & 8oz sizes are available. They offer worldwide shipping so no matter if you’re in Australia or the US the team have got your buds covered.

Connect With Alientech


Denver Cannabis Company Acquires DEA Approval To Research Alzheimer’s

macro photography of green leaf

Denver Cannabis company, MedPharm, has received approval to ramp up its research into the effects cannabis has on Alzheimer’s disease. This is possible because of a new Schedule I Researcher License granted by the Drug Enforcement Administration.

“We’re interested in how cannabinoids affect the nervous system, the brain, and in in particular, we’re very interested in Alzheimer’s disease,” said Dr. Tyrell Towle, director of chemistry and extraction at MedPharm.

Towle also spoke on MedPharm researchers want to find whether cannabinoids can treat symptoms or even prevent the disease. Until now, research could only be done under state and city research licenses, he said.

(credit: CBS)

“When you’re talking about wanting to do an actual clinical trial, you need a diversity of people that participate and one state just does not have the diversity of people that are required,” Towle said.

The new DEA research license will now change that. MedPharm also mentioned they will soon be able to ship investigational medications over state lines for clinical trials, partner with other labs, and even apply for government grants.

“The doors are wide open at this point,” said Dr. Duncan Mackie, director of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics.

Dr. Mackie says his researchers can also dive deeper now. They’ll study more cannabis compounds than ever before, as well as their effects on different brain cells.

“Pretty much anything that comes from the plant, we can now actually look at it using the same mechanisms we would in drug discovery at a large pharmaceutical company, which has never been allowed,” Mackie said.

Getting the license was a years-long process, and now the harder work begins.

“[It means] better research, and then that research will lead to better treatments with fewer side effects,” said Towle.

Under this new DEA license, MedPharm can only conduct research on marijuana shipped in from government approved channels. Eventually, the company hopes to obtain a bulk manufacturing license, which would allow researchers to test their own products.


BYO Cannabis Lounge Coming To West Peoria


In a 5-3 vote, West Peoria council took a big step forward and members gave the green for a first of its kind Cannabis lounge. The proposal officially passed on July 13th 2021. The new BYO Cannabis Lounge is set to take over the old Sky Harbor Steak House in West Peoria by High Harbor Cannabis Event Center.

The company, High Harbor Cannabis Event Center, will not be selling any cannabis products, but rather provide a comfortable and safe environment for people to chill out. As West Peoria Mayor Jim Dillon mentioned, the lounge will not be open past 10 p.m.

Rough design plans suggest they will be paying homage to the aviation theme from the previous steakhouse, such as having a Skyway Lounge and the Cockpit. In addition to that, the plans indicate there will also be food trucks outside on the “Tarmac”. You’ll find me on the Tarmac for sure.

Photo Courtesy / Facebook

Dillon said he has not received any negative feedback about the idea. And why on earth would anyone oppose this idea? We need more of these safe spaces and less bars / alcohol establishments in our cities, all around the world.

“We had a lot of people say we would rather have something like this than we would another liquor establishment. So it’s going to be something new for them, and for us, and for the area, and so hopefully it will just grow,” Jim Dillion said.

Photo Courtesy / Facebook

West Peoria City Council has voted on special-use rezoning plans at the upcoming meeting tonight, which Dillon said is expected to pass. He said they are working on developing Farmington Rd into a business district.

“It’s going to be a first for the city of Peoria,” Dillon said.

One West Peoria resident said – “I mean, obviously I think that there’s plenty of opportunities to sit down and have a drink. We have no shortages of bars in the area. I think a lounge is long overdue.”

Of course there were some who were opposed to the idea of the establishment but they do not get a special mention 😉

Stay tuned for further developments on this or you can follow their Facebook page here


Product Review: Premium CBD Flower & Pre-rolls By Kushy Dreams


TLDR: Shop Kushy Dreams – Here

Kushy Dreams offers hemp in both dried flower and pre-roll packs. They advertise their hemp as extraordinary and their CBD prerolls as luxury. we previously reviewed their sativa flower, Create. In this review, we smoked the Dream flower an indica variation.


Kushy Dreams flower is packaged in nitro-sealed containers. The dream flower is labeled light teal with product information including, organic farming practices, slow cured, and made in the USA. There is also access to the COA through a QR code. Other than that there isn’t too much about the flower. If you head over to the Kushy Dreams website you can find more about the Dream flower including that it’s cultivated in California, indoor, and the total CBD is 12.075%.

The Dream prerolls come in a pack of five half grams. The packaging is matte black with teal accents. It’s childproof and can easily be thrown into a bag or back pocket. There is minimal data about the prerolls on the packaging, but like the other Kushy products more can be found on their product page. The flower in these prerolls is sun-grown with the total CBD at 14.1%.

Courtesy of Rebecca / @ThatCannabisWriter

Looks, Taste & Smell

As a regular cannabis smoker, I appreciate that Kushy Dream produces hemp flower that is on par with cannabis flower found in dispensaries. The Dream CBD flower has a nice smell, slightly sweet with hints of citrus. I packed a bowl of it and I was happy with the sweet flavor of the smoke. The buds were dense and stickier than the sativa flower I had previously tried.

I really enjoyed the pre-rolls. These have been my favorite Kushy products so far. I’m an enthusiast of convenience. Also, since hemp yields little to no high, I like that a larger amount of flower was rolled up and ready for me to smoke. It was rolled nicely and didn’t run. I was able to smoke it all the way to the crutch with no issues.

Courtesy of Rebecca / @ThatCannabisWriter


I found that I didn’t get a heavy relaxing effect. The effects were mild if that.  I smoked a couple of bowls of flower then a full preroll. It was therapeutic in a way because I do enjoy the act of smoking but I’m not sure how much of that was from the hemp. I also don’t know if it was because I have such a high tolerance level of THC in general. It was like smoking a herbal cigarette.


Overall, Kushy Dreams produces quality hemp products. The flower in taste, flavor, and smoke mirrors the standards found in cannabis products at legal dispensaries. I’d recommend it to those who’d like to try hemp products as an alternative to THC ones. Their range of cannabis products are legally available to anyone in any part of the United States.

Personally, I don’t think hemp is for me but I’ve been smoking high THC products for a large majority of my life. It might have more of an effect on those with a lower tolerance level. After all we are all different.


The CBD flower retails for $50 and the prerolls for $40. You can find the full range of products Kushy Dreams offers on their website. Stay tuned for more reviews!

Connect with Kush Dreams!


Kushy Dreams Caviar CBD Pre-Rolls Review


The hemp plant is cannabis’ high CBD cousin. Its popularity has continued to rise after the Farm Bill passed in 2018. You can find hemp products in various retail and online stores. Most of the time, it will be in the form of tinctures, topicals, and edibles. But you can also smoke hemp just like regular weed.

TLDR: Shop Kushy Dreams – Here

In flower form hemp may help to reduce stress, anxiety and can even be an alternative to smoking nicotine. 

Kushy Dreams is a hemp CBD company that sells luxury hemp flower and prerolls. Over the last few weeks, I have tried three of their strains, including the Create flower, Dream flower, and half gram prerolls, and the single gram Hustle. The final product in this series of reviews is the Relax strain. 

Photo courtest of Rebbeca / @thatcannabiswriter


All of the Kushy Dream packaging were lightweight and portable. The single-gram prerolls come in simple easy-to-open glass tubes. This preroll was labeled simply with ‘Relax’ and a QR code for batch information. Just like the other Kushy Dream products, I wish there was more information about the flower directly on the packaging. You can find more information on their website. It lists the flower in the Relax pre-roll as a sun-grown indica strain with 16% CBD. 

Looks, Taste & Smell

Right out of the container, it has a berry fragrance, a little cabernet-esque. Unfortunately, the taste isn’t quite the same. It’s not unbearably terrible; it just doesn’t have the vibrant flavors I anticipated after smelling it.

I had a similar experience with the Hustle preroll, so I think I’m just not a fan of the flavor of hemp in big hits. It tastes like dry grass. I did enjoy the taste of the Create flower, the Dream flower, but I smoked them in smaller portions. 

Relax is beautifully rolled, just like the other pre-rolls from Kushy Dreams. They all burn quite beautifully, nice and slow without any running. 

Photo courtest of Rebbeca / @thatcannabiswriter


This pre-roll is called Relax and categorized as an Indica, giving me the idea that it would chill me out. So I smoked Relax in the evening, close to bedtime, hoping it would help me wind down. I did smoke throughout the day, so I was a bit high already when I sparked this joint. After smoking the CBD pre-roll, I felt clear-minded, and a bit energized. So it had the opposite effect of what I was hoping for. I did get a pretty intense dry mouth, too, so make sure you have a refreshing beverage handy.

Photo courtest of Rebbeca / @thatcannabiswriter


The Relax preroll was a mild, pleasant experience. The act of smoking was more relaxing than the effects I experienced, but I can see why someone would want to reach for this as an option to unwind at the end of the day.

The effects of all the Kushy Dream products were relatively mild. I’d recommend them to someone looking to get light benefits from CBD but not looking to get high. I think it’s best as a nicotine replacement and a way to reduce stress possibly. I’d probably reach for the half-gram Kushy Dream pre-rolls if I were at a party. They were my favorite out of the products I tried.

The Relax preroll retails for 15 dollars. Kushy Dreams ships its products anywhere in the US.

Connect & Shop with Kushy Dreams


Kushy Dreams CBD Flower Strain Review – Create


CBD or cannabidiol is the non-intoxicating cannabinoid found in the cannabis plant. You can find CBD products in legal dispensaries but also licensed non-retailers, like grocery stores and amazon. The difference between the two is that one is hemp-derived, and the other is cannabis-derived. 

TLDR: Shop Kushy Dreams – Here

The two plants, cannabis, and hemp are very similar, often referred to as cousins. However, hemp is legal throughout the United States thanks to the Farm Act of 2018. It contains less than .03% THC (the intoxicating cannabinoid). Cannabis’ legality depends on which state you’re in and is much higher in THC. 

Many cannabis curious consumers start their CBD journey, often hoping to find the same THC relief without getting high. CBD can help alleviate symptoms of depression, anxiety, and insomnia. It can also help reduce inflammation and pain. 

You’ll find hemp CBD products in the form of tinctures and topicals, but one of the fastest ways to feel its effects is to smoke it.

Kushy Dreams is a hemp CBD company that provides both loose flower and pre-rolls. In this review, I tried out their loose leave flower in Create, ultra-premium.

Courtesy of Rebecca / ThatCannabisWriter


Kushy Dreams CBD flower comes in 3.5 grams in a nitro-sealed container. They don’t label their products with strain names (which is a trend I’ve seen more often); instead, they mark their flower with the effects.

The Create is labeled with a gold accent. The label lists info like organic farming practices, slow cured and made in the USA. I scanned a QR code to take me to the lab results for the flower, but the results are from early 2020, which made me question the freshness of the flower. However, I did read that hemp CBD flower has a shelf life of up to 2 years if stored properly, so the fact that it’s nitro sealed gave me peace of mind.

Look, Taste & Smell

When I took off the lid to this flower, it revealed beautifully deep dark purple nugs covered in orange hairs, which I rarely see in flower labeled sativa. 

After removing the nitro seal, I was hit in the nose with pungent sweet grape notes.The smell was probably my favorite part of this particular flower. I sometimes open the can to get a good whiff of it. When smoking it, the taste mimics the sweet aromas.

When I opened it, the nugs were a bit dry, but this is probably because hemp has a lower resin content than cannabis, which are those trichomes on the plant that make it sticky.

Courtesy of Rebecca / ThatCannabisWriter


Ok here is where most of my skepticism came in. I am a pretty regular cannabis smoker. I smoke both high THC and CBD products. This past year I dived deeper into CBD because I’m not always trying to be stoned throughout my day. So since I know that hemp is less intoxicating than cannabis, I wasn’t too sure if I’d feel anything at all.

With cannabis, I usually only need a bowl to get a good head change. So I started with one of the Create. I honestly didn’t feel too much at first. However, I did notice a slight burst of energy. After I finished the bowl, I sat down to do some work and was pretty focused, clear-minded, and relaxed, which I appreciated. The effects lasted about 30-45 minutes. Still, I found myself going back to pack a couple of more bowls at the top of each hour to increase the intensity of the effects.

Courtesy of Rebecca / ThatCannabisWriter


Overall I think the Create flower was pretty chill. I would recommend it to more novice users and those looking to get creative or focused without getting stoned. The Create flower was also excellent for the daytime since it did give me some energy. I was pretty impressed with the look and smell of the product as well.

An 8th of this flower retails for about 50 dollars on their website, but it did offer me free shipping. And since it’s hemp, there are no cannabis taxes added to that price. You can find Create, ultra-premium flower, along with the rest of their product catalog on their online store.

I’ll be reviewing their other products soon, so stay tuned!

Connect & Shop with Kushy Dreams below.
